The RIBA recently published a report on high-quality housing in the UK, featuring our own Temple Gardens alongside other winners from their 2018 awards series. It’s wonderful for the practice to be included in this round-up of the best contemporary housing as it specifically explores the relationship between local areas and good design.
This approach is integral to all our work and it’s gratifying to have the RIBA recognise this and include us as a key example. The criteria for inclusion in the report stated that good housing:
“has the potential to raise health outcomes, improve the local environment and address a wide range of other issues. If we are serious about building high quality, sustainable homes that will last, promoting good design needs to be at the forefront of our approach.”
And more importantly they see Temple Gardens as a development that:
“provides an innovative approach to addressing housing need in the context of its locality. This is crucial to ensuring that we deliver homes that genuinely meet local need and are acceptable to the local communities that they will inevitably impact on.”
We will continue to push forward our agenda on local distinctiveness, which will result in a series of projects that look very different from one another but appear recognisable to the communities that surround them.
Download the report in full here